
維他命原B5是維他命B5(泛酸)的前驅物,維他命原B5又稱泛醇,是一種 具屏障改善特性的潤濕性保濕劑,能為肌膚達到抓水效果,是皮膚科及保養品都非常廣泛使用的成分,研究證實泛醇具有保濕、增進皮膚屏障能力、改善肌膚粗糙、柔嫩肌膚、防止肌膚刺激等功能。

在連續使用1%泛醇30天後,肌膚水分散失明顯減少、可改善角質層的水合作用, 防止肌膚粗糙、預防乾燥、減少肌膚脫屑, 幫助維持肌膚柔軟及彈性。

一種含有泛醇的潤膚劑透過增加角質層細胞間層狀脂質長度及角質層中神經醯胺、膽固醇和游離脂肪酸含量,證明 含有泛醇的潤膚劑能增強肌膚屏障能力。

泛醇能 增強皮膚屏障、舒緩經SLS或紫外線刺激後引起的肌膚泛紅、強化肌膚的保護力。

5%泛醇有助於 降低新生兒發生尿布疹的頻率。

5%泛醇應用於醫美術後、紋身等表淺小傷口,能 有效降低表淺傷口的水分散失、改善皮膚的屏障功能並促進表淺傷口癒合。
- Camargo FB Jr, Gaspar LR, Maia Campos PM. Skin moisturizing effects of panthenol-based formulations. J Cosmet Sci. 2011;62(4):361-370.
- Stettler H, Kurka P, Lunau N, et al. A new topical panthenol-containing emollient: Results from two randomized controlled studies assessing its skin moisturization and barrier restoration potential, and the effect on skin microflora. J Dermatolog Treat. 2017;28(2):173-180.
- Proksch E, Nissen HP. Dexpanthenol enhances skin barrier repair and reduces inflammation after sodium lauryl sulphate-induced irritation. J Dermatolog Treat. 2002;13(4):173-178.
- Biro K, Thaçi D, Ochsendorf FR, Kaufmann R, Boehncke WH. Efficacy of dexpanthenol in skin protection against irritation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Contact Dermatitis. 2003;49(2):80-84.
- Proksch E, de Bony R, Trapp S, Boudon S. Topical use of dexpanthenol: a 70th anniversary article. J Dermatolog Treat. 2017;28(8):766-773.
- Gorski J, Proksch E, Baron JM, Schmid D, Zhang L. Dexpanthenol in Wound Healing after Medical and Cosmetic Interventions (Postprocedure Wound Healing). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020;13(7):138. Published 2020 Jun 29.
- Heise R, Schmitt L, Huth L, et al. Accelerated wound healing with a dexpanthenol-containing ointment after fractional ablative CO2 laser resurfacing of photo-damaged skin in a randomized prospective clinical trial. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2019;38(3):274-278.

維他命原B5是維他命B5(泛酸)的前驅物,維他命原B5又稱泛醇,是一種 具屏障改善特性的潤濕性保濕劑,能為肌膚達到抓水效果,是皮膚科及保養品都非常廣泛使用的成分,研究證實泛醇具有保濕、增進皮膚屏障能力、改善肌膚粗糙、柔嫩肌膚、防止肌膚刺激等功能。

在連續使用1%泛醇30天後,肌膚水分散失明顯減少、可改善角質層的水合作用, 防止肌膚粗糙、預防乾燥、減少肌膚脫屑, 幫助維持肌膚柔軟及彈性。

一種含有泛醇的潤膚劑透過增加角質層細胞間層狀脂質長度及角質層中神經醯胺、膽固醇和游離脂肪酸含量,證明 含有泛醇的潤膚劑能增強肌膚屏障能力。

泛醇能 增強皮膚屏障、舒緩經SLS或紫外線刺激後引起的肌膚泛紅、強化肌膚的保護力。

5%泛醇有助於 降低新生兒發生尿布疹的頻率。

5%泛醇應用於醫美術後、紋身等表淺小傷口,能 有效降低表淺傷口的水分散失、改善皮膚的屏障功能並促進表淺傷口癒合。
- Camargo FB Jr, Gaspar LR, Maia Campos PM. Skin moisturizing effects of panthenol-based formulations. J Cosmet Sci. 2011;62(4):361-370.
- Stettler H, Kurka P, Lunau N, et al. A new topical panthenol-containing emollient: Results from two randomized controlled studies assessing its skin moisturization and barrier restoration potential, and the effect on skin microflora. J Dermatolog Treat. 2017;28(2):173-180.
- Proksch E, Nissen HP. Dexpanthenol enhances skin barrier repair and reduces inflammation after sodium lauryl sulphate-induced irritation. J Dermatolog Treat. 2002;13(4):173-178.
- Biro K, Thaçi D, Ochsendorf FR, Kaufmann R, Boehncke WH. Efficacy of dexpanthenol in skin protection against irritation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Contact Dermatitis. 2003;49(2):80-84.
- Proksch E, de Bony R, Trapp S, Boudon S. Topical use of dexpanthenol: a 70th anniversary article. J Dermatolog Treat. 2017;28(8):766-773.
- Gorski J, Proksch E, Baron JM, Schmid D, Zhang L. Dexpanthenol in Wound Healing after Medical and Cosmetic Interventions (Postprocedure Wound Healing). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020;13(7):138. Published 2020 Jun 29.
- Heise R, Schmitt L, Huth L, et al. Accelerated wound healing with a dexpanthenol-containing ointment after fractional ablative CO2 laser resurfacing of photo-damaged skin in a randomized prospective clinical trial. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2019;38(3):274-278.